We help people get on with their lives and businesses

You are an individual or business facing a dispute with e.g. another business, a colleague, a business partner, a landlord or tenant, a supplier, a franchisee or franchisor.
If you are facing a dispute, we can help with appointing a suitable mediator that will help you communicate with the other party and reach an outcome that all parties can live with. The process is confidential, quick and cost effective. You don’t have to engage a lawyer before you speak to us!

Your organisation or industry association wants to proactively manage and prevent complaints or disputes between members by implementing a dispute resolution system.
If you would like to set up a dispute resolution scheme for your organisation or industry, we can assist in designing necessary systems and procedures. We will act as the first point of call for complaints and provide early intervention services to prevent disputes from escalating.

You or your team members want to develop negotiation or mediation skills to help you at work or in day-to-day life. You might be interested in obtaining national accreditation.
If you are interested in learning how to resolve disputes, we offer a range of mediation, negotiation and communication training programs. We also offer tailored in-house training for organisations that want to equip their staff with the skills to negotiate and better manage conflict.