
Build skills in mediation, facilitation and negotiation

We conduct in-house and off-site training in Commercial Mediation, Negotiation, Facilitation and Conflict Resolution internationally. We combine experience-based learning with formal lectures by professional practitioners to equip participants with an all-round understanding of process dynamics and core skills development.

Our internationally recognised Core Mediation Training programme has been conducted in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Bahrain, the Philippines and Cambodia. Courses conducted in Australia meet the training requirements as set out in the Australian National Mediation Accreditation Standards. Our international courses have been recognised by many organisations, including the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.

In-house Training Core Mediation Training

Our clients have included top and medium-tier law firms, government departments, judiciary, municipal councils, Hong Kong Mediation Council, Hong Kong Law Society, University of Hong Kong, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, US AID, Bar Council Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration, Syariah Court Malaysia, Bahrain Chamber for Dispute Resolution and the International Development Law Organisation.

Core Mediation Training

This 40-hour programme meets the training requirements for accreditation under the Australian National Mediator Accreditation Standards.

It is a highly interactive programme that comprises a combination of demonstrations, discussions, case studies, exercises, role-plays and real-life examples presented by professional practitioners.

With a thorough examination of the stages of the mediation process and the development of core mediator skills, this programme equips participants with a solid foundation which, upon successful completion, will enable them to act as sole mediators.

Main Topics:
  • Communication skills: questioning, active listening, reframing, summarising, acknowledging, dealing with difficult behaviours
  • Developing as a mediator: local mediation marketplace, local jurisdiction issues, how to build a mediation profile, ways to develop as a mediator
  • Technical skills: managing expectations, forming an agenda, identifying needs, identifying common ground, breaking impasses, doubt creation, reality testing, dealing with walkout, dealing with apparent power imbalances, option generation and creative problem solving, communicating offers, managing lawyers and other advisors, drafting an agreement
  • Process knowledge: understanding the benefits and risks of each stage of the mediation process, how to set up a mediation, preparatory steps for the mediator and the parties in dispute, designing an effective process, managing the process, ethical issues, confidentiality, liability of the mediator, mediator appointment agreement, confidentiality agreements

This programme is highly recognised by leading mediation and arbitration bodies in Australia and overseas. Approving or accrediting bodies include or have included:

  • Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre
  • Hong Kong Law Society
  • Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Limited
  • Malaysian Mediation Centre
  • Law Society of England and Wales
  • General Council of the Bar UK
  • Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
  • New South Wales Law Society
  • New South Wales Bar Association
  • Law Institute of Victoria
  • Victorian Bar Association
  • Queensland Law Society
  • South Australian Law Society
  • Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia
  • Western Australia Dispute Resolution Service (of which WA Law Society is a part)

In-house Training

Our in-house training programmes are based on extensive practical experience in the areas of conflict management, mediation and negotiation. They comprise both theory and interactive exercises to introduce fundamental principles and develop participants' key communication skills.

Over the years, we have collaborated with a wide range of clients in the private and public sectors to develop and conduct bespoke in-house training that is relevant and practical. Our clients have included local councils, federal government departments, multi-national companies, industry organisations, law institutes, universities, franchise systems and SMEs.

Here are some of the topics around which we have custom-designed training programmes for clients in the past:

  • Negotiation
  • Conflict Resolution for HR Staff and Managers
  • Effective Relationships
  • Dealing with Difficult Behaviour
  • Complaints Handling
  • Communication Skills
  • Handling Workplace Conflict
  • Manager as Mediator
  • Avoiding and Managing Franchise Disputes
  • Representing Your Organisation in Mediation
The skills I developed and process knowledge I took away from The Accord Group's mediation course have been invaluable to my role as a commercial lawyer. The course enabled me to begin practising as an accredited mediator and helped me become a better representative for my clients. Their training team are highly experienced practitioners who truly understand the facilitative mediation model and how to apply it in commercial contexts.

Kirsty Dunn, Thomson Geer Lawyers

Contact us

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